Here are All of Us rehearsal tracks for tenors. Be sure to let me know if anything seems amiss or if anything else would be helpful. I can also email or Dropbox you files if you prefer. I am also happy to talk you through anything that is not clear, so don't hesitate to email me: [email protected]. Thank you and enjoy--Sue
1. Part-prominent recording. If you only listen to one thing, this is it. (The singer is a professional who has a business making rehearsal recordings.) Note the chorus starts at about 1:14 into the track, page 6 in the score. 2. A second part-prominent recording, sung by me (Sue.) The first one is a better vocal model for your ear, but this one is a bit faster and might be a nice change of pace. It starts on page 6. Use either or both of these as suits you. 3. A short "bonus" track focusing on p 20-22, m. 71-79. You will sing the lower line of the three lines on the tenor line, and that line is on this recording. Resonance singers will sing the upper two lines. This section is not hard once you know it but it takes time to unpack it on the page and it will suck rehearsal time if people don't come in prepared. Please spend time with this track. 4. A short "bonus" track focusing on the Choir 2 part on p. 23-24, the last two pages. Choir 1 is the default line for most people, and that is sung on the part-prominent recordings. Choir 2 is optional--it is a fun part. If you would like to sing the Choir 2 part, please get solid with it before the first rehearsal. 5. A spoken version, a bit faster than actual tempo. I thought it might be helpful in memorizing text. The text has a lot of words that perhaps don't stick in the brain easily, particularly the chorale sections, p 11-12 and p 14-17. It will take a bit of time to get the words down--thank you in advance for that. 6. The full performance. This is directed by the composer, Craig Hella Johnson, featuring his chorus, Conspirare. |